Lecture of a foreign guest
28 May 200, lecture Mr. Porfirio Guevara (Costa Rica) "Principles of System Dynamics Modeling and Analysis". Following was a discussion on the possibilities for further research cooperation. Lecturer:

A good practice survey at schools in Germany
From 17 to 24 June 2009, thanks to cooperation with SEVO Špirala and support for the bilateral project "Internationale Agenda 21 Schule Germany and Zelená škola Slovensko" Ing. Zuzana Gallayová, PhD. participated in a good practice survey in the Internationale Agenda 21 Schule Germany (schools involved in the international project of local Agenda 21). The different types of schools visited in Berlin and Hamburg had a common involvement in addressing specific local problems, a significant representation of education for a sustainable life in the educational process, and the involvement of pupils/students (and their parents) in managing the school or organizing individual programs. The workshop on participatory environmental management at the Institute for the Future was devoted to the possibilities of transferring selected German experience to the conditions of Green Schools in Slovakia, given the new rules of this program from the school year 2009/2010.
The information, materials and experience gained will be used to teach environmental education and environmental education methods as well as the work of Green School consultants.
Trainee from the Russian Federation
In March 2007 visited us from Siberia Ljudmila Vasiljevna Kubrina, CSc. At the State Pedagogical University of Omsk, he teaches Education for the protection of the environment and therefore his professional placement was focused on the recognition of the functioning of environmental education in the Slovak Republic and the methods used by us in this topic. The common knowledge about the principles, methods and functioning of environmental education in Russia and Slovakia has been elaborated into several contributions to conferences and we are preparing a joint monograph. Ljudmila Vasijlevna 26.7. 2007 has ended and is scheduled to return in 2008 for 10 months. We would like to thank the rector of the Technical University in Zvolen, prof. Ing. Ing. Jan Tuček, CSc. for help in solving the financial security of the internship and Ing. Marianna Krivošíková (assistant for home and foreign affairs TU) for help, willingness and patience to get all the necessary documents (and there was a lot).
- The Slovak Environmental Agency Banská Bystrica (RNDr. Ľ. Čillag)
- Center of environmental education GEOPARK Banská Štiavnica (Ing. V. Weisová, Mgr. M. Zemko)
- Slovak Mining Museum Banská Štiavnica (Mgr. A. Ďuricová)
- Central Slovak Museum (nature department) Banská Bystrica (Ing. L. Blažencová)
- Center of Environmental Activities in Trenčín, Society of Environment-Educational Organizations Špirála, National Office of the International Project "Green Schools/Eco-scools" in Trenčín (Mgr. R. Medal)
- Green schools: Special primary school in Trenčín and elementary school Na dolinách - Children's town
- BIO shop "U Malého princa" and "Natur BIO" in Trenčín
- OZ Slatinka Zvolen
- Zelená škola Gwerkovej - Göllnerovej v Banskej Štiavnici (Mgr. Marianna Hyblerová)
- Envirofilm 2007
- CHKO BR Poľana (Ing. V. Fabriciusová, Ing. V. Hruz)
- School in nature under Sitno (Počúvadlo)
- Children's camp "Sajuz" at Počúvadle
- Green schools involved in polls
and others.
Ing. Zuzana Gallayová

Socrates Erasmus
In cooperation (EU Socrates Erasmus) with Fachhochshule Weihenstephan (within IMLA Planning in Europe), Freising, Germany we organize short projects in Banská Štiavnica for the development of the Banska Štiavnica region. The results of the joint work of Slovak (FEE) and international students are presented to representatives of local government, professional organizations and the public.
The following topics were prepared in the week of 23 - 27 October 2006:
New spatial concept of the renewal of Drieňová - 2 teams
Organization and equipment of sustainable tourism in Banská Štiavnica
Banskoštiavnická kalvária - protection, restoration and use of historical sites
Course in the Czech Republic
The Environmental Education School of Lipka, the Lake School of Jezírko, Masaryk University and other workplaces were visited by Ing. Zuzana Gallayová, PhD. During the weekly stay in Brno (23 - 27 March 2009) thanks to the support of the ERASMUS program. The purpose of the stay was to compare the teaching of environmental education at the Technical University in Zvolen and at Masaryk University in Brno, to participate directly in teaching, to visit selected top environmental education centers in the Czech Republic, to take part in trainings for teachers. An important part of the program included discussions on securing environmental education in the Czech and Slovak Republics, about problems and possible solutions.